Simple Guide To Indoor Grow Light Spectrum-Learning Kelvin, Par & Spectrum For Plant Growth

by | Jul 18, 2023

If you’re planning to start an indoor cannabis garden, then you will need a source of light unless you have a room where plenty of sun is available. The perfect light source is a growing light spectrum, as there are many advantages to using this plant light spectrum. First of all, the light spectrum for plant growth is amazing, because you end up with plants that are heartier and healthier than when grown using natural sunlight or other sources of light. Here is a comprehensive overview of how to grow a thriving indoor marijuana garden using spectrum grow lights. 

Why Grow Your Own Cannabis?

As long as you live in a state where possessing, using, and growing cannabis is legal, it’s a great herb to grow. Not only can cannabis help tame anxiety and depression, but it’s great for pain relief and for the times when you simply want to relax and unwind. Growing your cannabis means that you know exactly what strains you’re getting, since all strains aren’t equal. Sativa strains are more appropriate for those seeking an energized high that increases productivity and their spirits in general. Indica is the opposite, and it’s the type you would grow if you want help with insomnia, anxiety, or a poor appetite. 

What Makes LED Lights Superior for Indoor Gardens?

There are a variety of reasons why LED lights are superior for indoor gardens. If you want your cannabis plants to thrive, you will need to grow them using the correct Kelvin light spectrum. Kelvin is a unit of thermodynamic temperature measurement that is different from Celsius or Fahrenheit. Kelvin has a lower starting level of 0K and it is used to measure the energy in atoms and molecules. This is why Kelvins are used to measure light, which is a form of energy. You will also need to ensure you use the best LED lights, as there are some different types, some good and others not so good. 

LEDs are superior for indoor gardens containing cannabis and more because they’re able to provide the plants with high-quality light which consists of different colors to ensure the best results. Cannabis plants thrive under the most ideal conditions, and using led grow light Kelvin is the absolute best. 

There are standard purple LED lights that emit blue and red colors simultaneously, which appear purple. Purple is thought to be the lowest quality type of LED light for growing cannabis despite its low cost. Cob lights are more expensive than purple and are one of the best types of LEDs to get. Cob LED light is the best because it consists of several small lights that work together to produce white light. Spread-style LEDs are the most expensive of all three and they’re mostly used by commercial cannabis growers. This type of LED uses a significant number of smaller lights that are spread across a large area. 

How Does the Color of Light Affect the Growth of Plants Using the LED Growth Light Spectrum?

Each color of light has different wavelengths, and these wavelengths help plants to grow in different ways, as they affect plant growth differently. Blue light encourages cell division of the plants. Red light promotes photosynthesis. White light is a combination of blue and red. It is possible to use all three colors simultaneously to create the spectrum of light. If you opt for an LED strip, it has this three-color combination that enables you to use one white LED on one side of the plant and blue on the other side. That way, the plant receives everything it needs all at the same time, allowing your cannabis to flourish. 

What’s the Best Kelvin for Growing Plants?

The best Kelvin to use for growing plants indoors will depend on the specific types of plants. Since you’re going to be growing cannabis, which is a flowering herb plant, you will need to choose the Kelvin carefully. When your plants are still seedlings, too much direct LED light can do more harm than good. So, in the beginning, you should have your LED grow light spectrum set at “blue” to encourage cell division and support your plants when they’re in a vegetative state. So, while you have your LED growth light spectrum set at blue, your plants will undergo multiple changes. First of all, their leaves will grow strong and hearty. The blue light will also increase your chances of ending up with short bushy cannabis plants as opposed to taller ones with longer branches. However, it can be difficult to predict how your plants will respond to the light, as the specific strain will dictate how the plants will react. Blue light is around 5000K. 

Once your plants have grown to a certain point, it’s time to switch from blue to red light. Again, red light encourages photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when a plant derives energy from the sun or other sources of light. This energy is conserved and the plant will later use it as a source of food or fuel. While under the red light, your marijuana plants will continue to thrive, but in a different way. Your plants will grow taller, and the production of buds will be promoted. Red light emits about 2700K to 6500K. 

Tips for Yielding the Biggest Plants with the Highest THC Levels

When growing your cannabis, you want to grow the largest, heartiest plants that will provide as much THC as possible. As you know, light spectrum for plants is important, and you must ensure that you’re using the proper levels if you’re expecting impressive results. 

Tip # 1 – Choose the Right LED Light

When choosing your par lamp, be sure that you’re choosing a high-quality choice. You might want to refrain from purchasing a purple LED light, even though it’s the most cost-effective. The more high quality your lamp is, the better your chances are that you’ll yield hearty plants that contain large amounts of THC. 

Tip # 2 – Be Sure to Purchase a Brand-New LED and not a Used Choice

It’s important to make sure that you purchase your par lights LED while they’re new. Used equipment can lead to challenges, especially if it’s more than a year or so old. Older LED lamps simply aren’t appropriate if you want mega yields from your plants. If you don’t believe that a year or two can make that much of a difference, then you could also experiment. Grow one batch of marijuana plants with brand-new high-quality par light for plants and another batch with an older LED grow light par. You will be surprised when you notice about a 30% increase in the batch that is grown using the newest high par LED grow light. 

Tip # 3 – Be sure to grow Sativa and Indica plants separately

Since these types of weed have different effects, it’s a good idea to grow them separately so you can distinguish between the two. If you mix these two types of weed up, you could worsen anxiety by using sativa or induce relaxation and sleep when you need to be energized. For some people, weed is weed, regardless, as they simply like getting high. However, for those who truly want to treat different ailments using cannabis, knowing exactly what type you’re using is important. 

Step-by-Step Instructions to Grow Massive Cannabis Plants

Here are the step-by-step instructions for growing the heartiest cannabis plants you ever thought possible. 

Step 1: Purchase a high-quality quantum par led grow light.

Step 2: Gather your cannabis seeds and plant them according to provided instructions. You may want to use a starter kit or individual containers. 

Step 3: Hang your spectrum grow light above the plants and position them in a manner that enables young plants to experience a productive vegetative state. That means that you don’t want to light too close or too hot. Nor do you want to keep the plants under the lamps 24 hours a day. 12 hours a day should suffice, and whenever the plants aren’t under direct light, they will compensate by tapping into preserved energy gained through photosynthesis. 

Step 4: Water your plants appropriately, as whenever they are under the lights, any moisture is evaporated. Just as your plants need adequate light to grow, they also need adequate water, which is why you need to check your plants frequently to replenish the water they may have lost. 

Step 5: The use of Cal-Mag is a good idea. Growing cannabis plants using other types of light doesn’t require the use of this vitamin supplement, but since quantum par led grow light is so drying, the Cal-Mag helps the plants to thrive. 

Step 6: If you’re growing your plants in the winter, it’s imperative to keep the room warm. If it feels chilly to you, then it’s not the ideal temperature for the plants. Adding more heat will increase the growth and health of your plants, and you will watch them flourish.

Step 7: Harvest your cannabis at the right time. If you’re new to growing weed, you should be aware that it can sometimes be difficult to determine when your plants are ready to be harvested. However, you don’t want your plants to become overripe because once they are overripe, the quality might be compromised and the yield might be reduced. That can be very disappointing after working so hard to ensure everything is just right. Weed is generally ready to be harvested 7-9 weeks after it has begun flowering. Indica is typically ready before Sativa, but harvest times vary depending on environmental factors and much more. 

Hopefully, this grow light spectrum guide has helped you to understand the process of growing thriving marijuana plants at home using grow light spectrums. Once you’ve mastered growing your own plants, you will no longer need to go to the dispensary and purchase prepackaged cannabis products. As long as you follow the grow light Kelvin instructions, your plants will grow quickly and perfectly. You can make edibles or even smoke the plant as you like. Regardless of how you plan to use the cannabis once you’ve harvested it, you will know exactly how it’s been grown, which should give you a feeling of accomplishment and pride.